Hot Tub Services
Enjoy a luxurious soak under the sky in one of our famous private outdoor hot tubs, or relax in steamy bliss in one of our private indoor hot tubs.
All of our hot tub rooms are equipped with their own shower and complimentary towels. The comfort of our traditional teak wooden hot tubs rival the world's finest onsen facilities. For your safety, we require a two-person minimum per rental in all hot tub rooms, with the exception of the Ofuro Room. Reservations are requested.
Private Indoor or Private Outdoor Tubs
Escape the elements with an indoor hot tub or harmonize with nature in an outdoor oasis under the sky.
50 minutes (two guest minimum)
Traditional large indoor Japanese soaking tub, ideal for one person but can accommodate up to two.
Hour for 1 guest
Add A Spa Service And Make It A Package!
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequent Questions About Our Hot Tub Service
We recommend a metal or plastic water bottle. Bring your own or purchase one of ours when you arrive. There are multiple free fill stations in our facility, providing the purest drinking water available.
All hot tub rooms are private and swimsuits are optional.
Complimentary towels, hair dryers and combs will be provided.
There are items that we DO NOT allow in our facility. These items include:
NO alcoholic beverages. (We reserve the right to refuse a customer access to a tub if they have been drinking prior to their appointment. This will be treated as a no-show and the appointment deposit will be forfeit.)
NO scented products for the water or the body, like bubble bath, bath bombs, scented products, and salts or oils.
NO candles
NO incense
NO glass containers
NO food
Each tub is drained and refilled with pure, filtered water every 12 minutes. Water is completely refreshed every 24hrs using a computer purification system that unceasingly monitors water quality, constantly adjusting pH and disinfectant levels. We use bromine and non-chemical purifiers like ozone generators.
Our hot tub water is maintained at a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hot and cold water have been used for centuries for health and beauty. The benefits of hot tubs from regular use are lowered blood pressure, stress reduction, and tension relief.
Many people claim Arthritis relief due to increased blood circulation. Please remember to ask your physician if hot tub usage is right for you.
Clothing is optional within the hot tub rooms. You have complete privacy, including a shower/changing area separated from the hot tub area.
Hot tubs lower your blood pressure. Alcohol also lowers your blood pressure and impairs judgment.
It is very dangerous to drink and take a hot tub. Mixing the two may result in loss of consciousness, possibly resulting in injury or death.
Alcohol is prohibited in the building.
We reserve the right to refuse a customer access to a tub if they either bring alcohol or have been drinking prior to their appointment. This will be treated as a no-show and the appointment deposit will be forfeit.
It is always best to check with your physician before using our hot tubs.
Yes, bring your ID and tub for free. Happy Birthday!
Please give us a call at 413-587-0000 to schedule a group appointment and discuss custom pricing.
